Future Cities Forum
David is the Chief Operating Officer of Arcade City. His 37-year career includes roles in 21 startups and advisory support to 7 blockchain ventures. He has held corporate positions at Dell and BBN. He restructured Fortune 200 companies consulting for Booz Allen. His technical experience includes software and hardware development, network and real-time systems, and analytical platforms for fintech, research, social science, medicine and intelligence applications. He was an author of SPSS which became the basis for IBM’s analytical division. He has contributed to 680 inventions spanning computing, materials, manufacturing, consumer products, finance, medicine, and law. David has set 115 juggling world records. He studied mathematics at the University of Chicago, business at the Kellogg School at Northwestern University, South Asian studies and linguistics at the University of Wisconsin and Banaras Hindu University. He has trained in alternative medicine, game theory, behavioral and cognitive psychology and Rogerian Empathy.–
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